Groundwork Inc.
Joshua Wright, Board Member, Groundwork
Joshua Wright is Vice President, Supply Chain Operations at Random House, Inc. Before joining Random House in January 2001, Mr. Wright was a Senior Associate at Booz Allen & Hamilton focusing on business and operations strategy in the media and entertainment group. While attending the Yale School of Management, Mr. Wright was a Research Associate for the Department of Housing and Urban Development�s Community Renaissance Program. Prior to returning to school, he was a Tenant Community Organizer in the Community Pride Program of the Harlem Children�s Zone (formerly Rheedlen Center for Children and Families) in Harlem, New York and held various leadership positions at Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership in New Haven, Connecticut. A native of Boston, Massachusetts, he graduated with a B.A. in Economics from Wesleyan University and received an MBA from the Yale School of Management. He is a founder of the New York City Full Circle Fund.

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